Tag: tamiltutera

How to create with-subelements loop?

How to create and use variables with-subelements loop in ansible playbook examples?

October 13, 2020

How to create a variables with_nested loop

How to create and use variables with_nested loop in ansible playbook? Create a ansible config file as ansible.cfg file in your project directory: Create a hosts file as hosts in the project directory Create a file named called as vars_with_nested_loop.yml in your project directory


How to create basic nested loop in ansible playbook?

How to create basic nested loop in ansible playbook?


How to create loop using with inline dictionary items variables

How to create basic loop using with inline dictionary items variables in ansible playbook?


How to create with_dict items variables?

How to create basic loop using with dictionary items variables in ansible playbook?


How to create with_indexed_items loop in python list format

How to create with_indexed_items loop in python list format

October 12, 2020

How to create users using with_items in ansible playbook?

How to create users using with_items in ansible playbook? Create a ansible config file as ansible.cfg file in your project directory: Create a hosts file as hosts in the project directory Create a file named called as user_playbook.yml in your project directory to create users using with_items in ansible playbook


How to create with_items in python list format?

How to create basic loop using with_items in python list format in ansible playbook? Create a ansible config file as ansible.cfg file in your project directory: Create a hosts file as hosts in the project directory Create a file named called as motd_playbook.yml in your project directory


How to create with_items loop in playbook?

How to create with_items loop in playbook?


How to include use extra_vars as in external yaml file?

How to include and use extra_vars as in external yaml file in ansible playbook?

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